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Born in 1988 in Poznań (Poland). As the soloist and chamber musician she performed on 5 continents in many countries of the world e.g.: Australia, New Zealand, North America, Republic of South Africa, Georgia, Austria, Italy, Spain, Armenia, Hungary in the most prestigious concert halls, such as Sydney Opera House or Royal Concertgebouw. As a soloist she made her debut with the Opole Philharmonic.

Barbara Borowicz is a laureate of over 20 national and international music competitions in Poland, Luxembourg, Greece, Italy, Serbia, Slovenia, Lithuania, Ukraine including 1st prize during the 2ndInternational Competition for Clarinet and Saxophone in Reggiolo (Italy, 2014), 2nd prize and the special award for the most outstanding artistic personality during the 6th International  Clarinet Competition in Szczecin (Poland, 2014), 1st prize during the 13th International Music Competition “Juliusz Zarebski “ in Łomianki/Warszawa (Poland, 2013), 2nd prize during the International Clarinet Competition “Saverio Mercadante”  in Noci/Bari (Italy, 2012). Furthermore in 2015 Barbara was awarded an interpretation prize for her performance at the Stockhausen Concerts and Courses in Kürten (Germany).

She graduated with honours  the Academy of Music in Krakow in the clarinet class of Professor Andrzej Godek.  She continued her musical education at Accademia Musicale Chigiana in Siena (Italy) and Accademia Nazionale di Santa Ceclia in Rome (Italy) in solo class of world-renowned clarinettist Alessandro Carbonare and at the Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst in Vienna (Austria) in the chamber music class. In 2017 she received PhD. In addition she improve her musical interpretation of Karlheinz Stockhausen’s pieces with remarkable clarinetist Suzanne Stephens, who is the the most accomplished performer his music. Barbara Borowicz, as the only Polish clarinettist acquired the certificate confirming the compliance of her interpretation with the composer’s intentions for composition In Freundschaft for clarinet solo. Moreover, in her repertoire is one of the most demanding piece for clarinet – Harlekin for clarinet solo, which contais theatrical elements and takes over 45 minutes.

A special place in her solo repertoire has Polish music, which she has actively performed in Poland and abroad, including compositions written for her eg. Marcel Chyrzynski, Ewa Fabianska-Jelinska, Michal Jakub Papara. Since 2011 Barbara Borowicz has been the principal clarinetist of CORdaCracovia and has taken part in recording of several CDs and DVDs with this orchestra. In 2016 was recorded her first CD Double Clarinet Concerto included pieces for 2 clarinet and orchestra with clarinetist Andrzej Godek released on the DUX Recording Producers.

In recognition of her artistic and scholarly accomplishments Barbara Borowicz has received an award for outstanding artistic achievements  granted by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, a scholarship of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, a scholarship of Ministry of Culture ‘Young Poland’, a scholarship of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, a scholarship of Royal Capital City of Krakow, Artistic Scholarship of the City of Poznan, ‘Sapere Auso’ scholarship from Malopolska Scholarship Foundation as well as the award ‘Ars Quaerendi’ for the remarkable actions for the development and the promotion of culture.

Since 2014 she has been employed as assistant in the clarinet class of Prof. Andrzej Godek at the Academy of Music in Krakow.  She has led clarinet masterclasses at the University in Sydney (Australia), Wellington (New Zealand), Tbilisi (Georgia), Granada (Spain) and in  Győr (Hungary).